parking lot oaving


Notice is hereby given that Versailles Exempted Village Schools (EVS) is now accepting quotations for the furnishing of materials and the performance of labor for repaving of the “teacher” parking lot at the Versailles K-12 School located at 280 Marker Road, Versailles, Ohio 45380.

The project may be started any time on or after May 30, 2025, and must be completed by August 15, 2025. Electronic bidding documents, which include plans and specifications, may be obtained by contacting the administration office of Versailles EVS at 937-526-4773 or Also contact Max Kindell for all project related questions.

Sealed proposals, which must meet all bid specifications, should be delivered to the Versailles EVS, Attention: Lori Koch, Treasurer, 459 S Center Street, Versailles, Ohio 45380, no later than 2:00 pm, February 13, 2025, at which time and place proposals will be opened publicly, reviewed and read aloud. Proposals received after 2:00 pm, February 13, 2025, will be returned unopened.

Each bidder is required to submit as part of the proposal, a bid bond for the full amount of the bid, or a cashier’s check or letter of credit in an amount equal to 10% of the total bid amount, payable to the Versailles Exempted Village Schools.

Quotations submitted shall impose no liability or obligation on the Board of Education of the Versailles Exempted Village Schools. The Board reserves the right to request future quotations and the right to waive any irregularities at its discretion. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening.

To be awarded this bid, the bidder must not have any unresolved findings for recovery listed on the State of Ohio Auditor’s Office Database, or have any delinquent Darke County or State of Ohio taxes.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the right to award the contract to the best vendor regardless of whether or not it has submitted the lowest quotation.

For specifics of the project, contact Mr. Kindell and/or follow this link: